Monday, December 15, 2008

FX Markets
The FX market is the largest global market with daily trading volumes greater than USD 3 trillion! It is currently one of the most efficient and liquid markets accessible.
TFI FX offers its clients the ability to make speculative transactions on FX fluctuations between currencies. Customers can also buy/sell deliverable currency to cover FX obligations.

In the last decade the foreign exchange market has developed and expanded. Originally banks executed FX deals to cover the need of their importing/exporting clients. Today we are in an efficient FX market with a variety of participants ranging from investment firms, asset managers, hedge funds and individuals that cater for trading and speculation requirements.

The FX market is a global over the counter (OTC) market (i.e. no central bank or clearing house acting as an intermediary). Deals are agreed between participants where firm credibility and local regulations ensure the delivery of transactions.

A number of market contributors execute FX deals to finance international business so as to acquire a range of assets and services. Others sell/buy currencies for speculation aiming to profit from price fluctuations. The international demand and supply for currencies is what determines the exchange rates of all currency pairs at any given moment.

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